Episode 8: Emmy Olea


Work in Progress: Emmy Olea on "Emmy, Like the Award"

Today's guest is Emmy Olea. I first discovered Emmy's writing through her podcast Crumbs about Emmy's dating experiences as a trans woman recovering from alcoholism whose mom was a coyote and whose grandma ran drugs for the Tijuana cartel. It's a wild story so well-written and poignantly told. When I learned that Crumbs was actually just a sliver of her larger memoir, I knew I had to have her on Work in Progress. So today, we're digging into “Emmy, Like the Award” (which even has an endorsement from Russell Brand!), her incredible story of getting it on the page, and where she's at in the publishing process. Plus, you’ll hear Emmy read an excerpt complete with sound design.


Listen to full episode :


Episode 9: Elle Nash


Episode 7: Chelsea Martin